Web Application « Development « JSF Q&A

1. Modular web apps    stackoverflow.com

I've been looking into OSGi recently and think it looks like a really good idea for modular Java apps. However, I was wondering how OSGi would work in a web ...

2. Storing web content in a JAR file    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to store web content (such as JSPs, HTML, images, CSS etc) in a JAR file? I've been looking at various options at modularising our web applications and this is ...

3. Caching instances in a jee web app    stackoverflow.com

Consider the scenario of a typical webapp with JSFs on the front and ejb3, with Hibernate as JPA provider, talking to backend database such as mysql, etc. The main user actions ...

4. What Java-Web-Framework to use if JSF is oversized?    stackoverflow.com

we think about to move a project from PHP to Java. It's a small web application with about 5 pages. We have JSF-experience, but i think JSF will be oversized and ...

5. How to play a sound in a JSF web app?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to play a sound (.wav or .mp3) in a client's browser using a JSF web app? I have tried using javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine and it worked on Windows, but when I ...

6. jsf application in jboss web server    stackoverflow.com

I try to run jsf application in myeclipse using jboss web server and following error while running jboss server.

ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Parse: name=vfsfile:/E:/ctn%20sodtware/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/3aprwebdemo.war/ state=Not Installed mode=Manual requiredState=Parse
org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Error creating ...

7. How do i refer to any image in my java web application from root of my web application?    stackoverflow.com

I have a folder named Common/Images/Photounavailbale.jpg. Is this right way of refering to a image from root? I want to refer this image from any page in any folder in my ...

8. Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application    stackoverflow.com

I've created a JSF application, and I want to embed a link in a page which when clicked causes the backing bean to marshall out some xml and force the opening ...

9. What are better Java web application frameworks (Suggestions please)?    stackoverflow.com

I am new to Java Web Application. I am practicing with JSF2. Is it better to use any framework with JSF or just should I move with JSF? If it is better ...

10. JSF2: navigation flow question    stackoverflow.com

I am not sure if what I want is possible, but it worth a try to ask. Let say, I have 2 pages: List.jsf and CreateNew.jsf. List.jsf display data from datasource ...

11. Definition and practical meaning of @SessionScoped    stackoverflow.com

I would like to understand the full meaning of the @SessionScoped annotation in a JSF ManagedBean. I guess it is related to the http session, but still, it's not very clear to ...

12. How to get deployment directory path in JSF application?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to find out deployment path from JSF application? One more question (if the answer for the former question is true): is it legitimate to store some uploaded files there? ...

13. JSF modular web application    stackoverflow.com

talking about a modular web application like a Content Management System, where you can upload and install separated modules, I would like to know what is the best way to develop ...

14. communicate between two web browsers instances in jsf    stackoverflow.com

HI I need to embed two web browsers in one form of a windows application (design wise, I have to separate them). I also need to "communicate" between both - when the user ...

15. Architecture: How to realize this web app in JEE + JSF2? [revised]    stackoverflow.com

Being new to web app dev, I'm currently insecure what architecture would best work for an eCommerce web app including enduser programming where privileged endusers (managers) can declaratively define via a ...

16. How to send byte[] as pdf to browser in java web application?    stackoverflow.com

In action method (JSF) i have something like below:

public String getFile() {
  byte[] pdfData = ...
  // how to return byte[] as file to web browser user ?
How to ...

17. javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded    stackoverflow.com

While launching my web application I am getting the following error: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException - Given final block not properly padded Stack Trace: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not ...

18. JSF: Hyperlink to webpage in /webapp subdirectory    stackoverflow.com

I have a list of .xhtml pages that I keep in my /src/main/webapp/pages/ folder. Now I want to create hyperlinks to them. Currently the only one that works is the default ...

19. Clarifying understanding of JSF 2.0    stackoverflow.com

Before I delve into JSF 2.0 I want to clarify my understanding of JSF 2.0 by finding answers to the following:

  1. What are the differences between the reference implementation and MyFaces?
  2. Can jsf ...

20. Speeding up web applications with multiple threads    stackoverflow.com

In a particular web application that I am working on, it needs to load a lot of data for a webpage. The page has 4 main sections. When a user goes ...

21. Displaying image in JSF-based web application    stackoverflow.com

I have a JSF application and I am trying to display an image that is sitting locally on another machine in the intranet:

<h:graphicImage id="image"
C is a ...

22. JavaEE6: using @Asynchronous to speed up the web application. When?    stackoverflow.com

I really want to abuse @Asynchronous to speed up my web application, therefore I want to understand this a bit more in order to avoid incorrectly using this annotation. So I ...

23. JSF Web application -DAO layer with static methods    stackoverflow.com

Hi I have a question about best practices vs safe programming in building a JSF Web Applicaiton. I have employee.xhtml page having backing Bean - EmployeeBean. All the variables that I declare ...

24. Integrating Pentaho Reporting web frontend with custom Java/JSF application    stackoverflow.com

I have the following situation: OTLP database schema with data. Database procedures pump data into denormalized, star-schema with defined dimensions and fact tables. The goal is to build web application, which can ...

25. What is the methods of debuging Web Application based on JSF technology?    stackoverflow.com

I'm new in JSF ,and I want method to trace the problem that happen in the web application , away from Web Application Server that doesn't provide useful information in most ...

26. Migration from apache struts to JSF    stackoverflow.com

There is a business application with a web interface based on JEE 2 and specifically on apache struts, it has hundreds of dialogues, approximately 500 000 LoC, ca. 600 JSP. The ...

27. Traverse Deployed Folder from the Web Application    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible for a web application to access its own deployed folder. I am using JSF 1.2 framework and i need to access some of the files which i have ...

28. JSF 2.0 project Structure    stackoverflow.com

Hi All We are creating a new project using jsf2.0, richfaces 4.0, jjdk 6 and tomcat 7.0 I want to know the ...

29. Java EE web app. Correct way of handling broken database connection    stackoverflow.com

I have an Java EE web application (JPA + EJB + JSF) and I want my web customers to see human readable notice when DB server is restarting or under maintenance. ...

30. Blocking JS file from downloading in JSF application using Jboss server    stackoverflow.com

Can we block user from downloading js/css file by directing typing URL in web browser like http://www.abc.com/resource/test.js All these files are located in resource folder. Web Server : Jboss 4.3 ...

31. Where did http://java.sun.com/jsf/ go?    stackoverflow.com

I'm just starting a JSF2.0 project and eclipse is giving me an error when it's trying to look up http://java.sun.com/jsf/html, http://java.sun.com/jsf/core, etc. I tried loading the URLs ...

32. How can I have AJAX functionality in my JSF web application?    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application in JSF. I need to add AJAX functionality to it. How can I do this?

33. Web Application on a Thin Client Based Network    stackoverflow.com

I am currently developing a web application with rich interfaces using JSF. My application is deployed on Tomcat on a server in the network and majority of users access the server ...

34. Can I draw State-Transition diagrams in JSF2 Web App?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a way to draw state-transition diagrams in my JSF2 project. I would like to be able to load state and transition data and transform them in a graph that ...

35. Best method to minify js and css in a JSF 1.1 based web app    stackoverflow.com

What are the best practices that can be followed to minify js and css in a JSF application?

36. JSF 2 - @ManagedBean not detected    stackoverflow.com

I have a ParentBean class which has the @ManagedBean annotation. If I subclass this class, the ChildBean does not inherit the @ManagedBean annotation although the @ManagedBean annotation has the ...

37. JEE web app and rest api - how many wars?    stackoverflow.com

Should the web application and rest api coexist in the same war, considering a very standard JEE 6 app (jsf, jax-rs, jaas)? If they do, you'll probably have to deal with in ...

38. reinventing the wheel : connection pool    stackoverflow.com

First question here so please bare with me if unclear. As a learning experience I am in the process of creating sort of an jdbc connection pool class for my java/jsf application. ...

39. jsf 2.0 single web-application with multiple domains    stackoverflow.com

I have jsf 2.0 web application (with ejb) that will serve multiple domains. I need to load data according to domain name that user came from. So I have to get ...

40. JSF 2.0 javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet mappig    stackoverflow.com

I started to use JSF 2.0 recently and I don't understand completely how I need to configure the javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet to correctly handle resources. For example, If I decided to create a web ...

41. Where can I initialize connection pool in a web application?    stackoverflow.com

Hi All I am creating a maven jsf2 web application. I initialized bonecp connection pool object (BoneCp class) in a class which implements ServletContextListener. This class run before web app is ...

42. how do i profile invoked methods in my web application    stackoverflow.com

My application file (EAR) consists of combination of EJB and WAR. FrameWork is JSF and IDE is Netbeans 6.9.1 applition server is glassfich V2.x. I want to calculate the execution time ...

43. how to create a plugin for web application to calculate the each and every invoked method execution time    stackoverflow.com

My application file (EAR) consists of combination of EJB and WAR. FrameWork is JSF and IDE is Netbeans 6.9.1 applition server is glassfich V2.x. I want to calculate the execution time ...

44. Java JSF web applications + nginx proxy. Advice needed    stackoverflow.com

Please help with web appplication layout. I have an EAR with (to be simple) two web apps "public site" and "intranet". Obviously they're packaged under different context roots.


45. How to grab a local path from end-user in JSF    stackoverflow.com

I'm facing a simple problem I would like to get a local path from the end-user of my web application. I need only that and not to actually upload a file. (I ...

46. Unable to do logging to a file in a jsf web application    stackoverflow.com

Im using websphere server and JSF 2.0 In my managed bean i have declared the following:

private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ABC.class .getName());
The following code is in the constructor of the bean.
try ...

47. How to tune up/ design with JSF for high performance web application?    stackoverflow.com

I asked a question today: Is JSF really ready for a high performance social network project? which was unfortunately closed by experts before I could get some good responses. I ...

48. Problems configuring JSF 2.0 on Eclipse Indigo    stackoverflow.com

I'm developing a web application with JSF 2.0 on the IDE Eclipse Indigo (the last version). But on Project ->Properties -> Project Facets, the option JavaServer Faces is configured on version 1.2 ...

49. Is it Possible to Use SSL in a Visual web jsf application    forums.netbeans.org

omoz4real Joined: 26 Jan 2009 Posts: 118 Location: United Kingdom Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:48 pm Post subject: Is it Possible to Use SSL in a Visual ...

50. JSF in Arabic Web application    forums.netbeans.org

I am using JSF to represent GUI for Arabic/English web application. The problem is in the Arabic version, When I arrange the components into the page, it seems totally fine, and ...

51. Couldn't get Using Java Persistence API Within a Visual Web JSF Application Netbeans Tutorial to work    forums.netbeans.org

Hi All, I am having difficulty displaying the content of Users table (Derby sample database) despite having followed all the steps provided in Using Java Persistence API Within a Visual Web ...

52. Hosting Web applications developed in Visual web JSF on the Internet    forums.netbeans.org

Hi Everyone, Please I would like to know how i can make an application developed with Visual Web JSF of JSF available on the internet i.e a web hosting company that ...

53. Hosting Web applications developed in Visual web JSF on the Internet    forums.netbeans.org

omoz4real Joined: 26 Jan 2009 Posts: 118 Location: United Kingdom Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:07 pm Post subject: Hosting Web applications developed in Visual web JSF on ...

54. Netbeans 6.5 Beta - JSF Web App deplyment failes when using MySQL DataSource    forums.netbeans.org

Hi All, I am developing a JSF web application using using Apache MyFaces (Tomahawk) in Netbeans 6.5 Beta with Tomcat 6.0.16. I want to display a data table using and ...

55. JSF WebApp Moved to different Machine Will Not Deploy    forums.netbeans.org

Greetings, I built a web app from the CRUD JSF tutorial on Windows 7, Netbeans 6.8, MySQL, Java 6.18 which runs fine. This app uses EJB 3.1, JSF 2.0, and JPA ...

56. Creating a Weblog with JavaServer Faces web application framework    forums.netbeans.org

Hi Everyone, Please does any one know how to create a weblog with javaserver faces or an article/tutorial on how to create a blog with the java server faces web application ...

57. Netbeans 6.8 JSF2 web applications    forums.netbeans.org

Hello I am running Netbeans 6.8 and would like to create a JSF 2.0 web application. When I create a new web application and must choose the java ee version I ...

58. Deploying a JSF Web Application to a Server    forums.netbeans.org

59. JSF WebApp: Taglib defs fail to get parsed    forums.netbeans.org

60. how can i start the web application in jsf    forums.netbeans.org

61. Is it Possible to Use SSL in a Visual web jsf application    forums.netbeans.org

Hi Everyone, Please I was wondering if it was possible to use SSL in visual web jsf pages. I am currently developing an application using visual web jsf and am trying to use SSL in the application. From what i have read in the SUN JAVA website, i understand you have to set the transport guarantee confidential . I have tried ...

62. retrieve user name and password in a visual web jsf application    forums.netbeans.org

Hi Everyone, please I am developing a web application using Visual Web JSF . i have the application interacting with a MYSQL database. users can register with the application and can then login using their user name and password. in the registration page the user also enters his/her email address. Please does any one know how to retrieve the user name ...

64. Webapp Name Not Allowed With JSF?    coderanch.com

65. Reporting Web App    coderanch.com

66. Navigation across webapps    coderanch.com

67. navigation between different web applications    coderanch.com

I don't understand what "control will shift" means - who is in control, and of what? Say you're in the production UI. Now you want to shift to the test UI. What does this shift entail that a link to the other page (or web app) does not provide? [ October 16, 2007: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]

68. How to build a simple webapp in JSF    coderanch.com

69. javax/ faces/ webapp/ UIComponentELTag    coderanch.com

I am using myFaces and i tried using a new component unfortunately it is returning this error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentELTag at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClassInternal(WebappClassLoader.java:1819) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClass(WebappClassLoader.java:872) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1327) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1206) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseCustomTag(Parser.java:1228) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(Parser.java:1456) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseBody(Parser.java:1664) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseOptionalBody(Parser.java:1011) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseCustomTag(Parser.java:1279) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(Parser.java:1456) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseBody(Parser.java:1664) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseOptionalBody(Parser.java:1011) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseCustomTag(Parser.java:1279) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(Parser.java:1456) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseBody(Parser.java:1664) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseOptionalBody(Parser.java:1011) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseCustomTag(Parser.java:1279) at ...

74. Mutiple web app in jsf    coderanch.com

76. Create Web app using Swing and JSF    coderanch.com

77. Problem with running web app using JSF    coderanch.com

78. Problem accessing web application    coderanch.com

82. Save web application preferences    coderanch.com

83. multi-client web application    coderanch.com

84. Access JSF web application from Portal Server    coderanch.com

I have a JSF application running on Websphere Application Server. I need to access this application and wrap it round a portlet such that it can be deployed on a Portal Server. How can this be achieved? I do not want to mess around with the application on the Application Server. Just an elegant mechanism to access that application inside of ...

86. What is an efficient way to implement an entirely AJAX based web app using JSF2?    coderanch.com

I've created a small application that consists of a single Facelets page, with the pages that I want to display all contained within it. Each "page" is really an with its "rendered" attribute set if it is the one to be displayed. The following code example shows the sort of thing that I've done: ...

87. Issue with my webApp    coderanch.com

88. Two different web application together    coderanch.com

90. iReport, Detail band doesnt appear anything (web app - jsf)    forums.oracle.com

If your old reports work on the old iReport but don't work on the new iReport then you were using something that was deprecated. You will need to read the release notes/change log of the new iReport to find out what the old stuff you were using is. PS. Better google "file servlet" to find out how to stream a file ...

91. MySQL & JSF driven Web Application    forums.oracle.com

I have the whole database, written in SQLyog. I already have a huge GUI application that works with this database. I didn't use Hibernate for object mapping, all the SQL statements I wrote manualy. I want to make a small web aplication that will read the same data from the database and display it in the web browser, possibly, using JSF, ...